Sunday, May 8, 2011

May Fayre 2011

Today was May Fayre, the annual gathering of Punch and Judy in Covent Garden. It is a joyous occasion which combines a family reunion of Punch performers from all over the country (sometimes with performing guests from overseas), debut performances, sale of wares (toy theatre stuff, food, crafts etc). The best Punchmen pull off superb performances laden with in-jokes. A very reflexive affair.

I watched on and off between 1.30 and 4.45 or so of the proceedings. A high point for me was definitely Glyn Edwards' show - pictured above. Glyn began with a ritual dance of 2 health and safety officers to grant health and safety to the audience - a clear parody of wayang and like traditions. The figures were re-dressed boxers with hankies. The music a polka or similiar.

The jokes came fast and furious. When the devil asked Punch is he knew who he was, Punch answered 'Brian Clarke.' The devil responded no, though this was the spot where Brian normally performed. (The senior puppeteer was unable to attend as he was reportedly ill. He did send 2 puppets though to be auctioned off for the benefit of the P&J Fellowship.) A ringing bell from the nearby church prompted the devil to ad-lib 'ask not for whom the bell rings'....

A delight.